A home for Fresia






Región: Araucanía

Doña Fresia lives in the rural area of Lautaro, La Araucanía and is a single mother of four children. One of them suffers from various illnesses and cannot leave him alone because of his epilepsy episodes. Her situation is critical in terms of housing and essential resources. She does not have electricity, since she has built her house by herself with materials that were given to her as gifts and a few others that she has been able to buy.
Therefore, her home does not have an infrastructure that would allow her to have a good quality of life. Today, the only thing she uses to light her house are mini solar panels.
She has no thermal insulation, no exterior finishes, no door installed, all the water leaks when it rains and her bathroom is not inside. Let's support her by remodeling her home.

Code: c4984

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    -Desafío Levantemos Chile
    -Banco de Chile
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