Vicente already has special milks






Vicente is eight years old. When he was two and a half years old, he started with strange symptoms that ended in the diagnosis of Doosse Syndrome, an epileptic disease of childhood.

After many tests, they found a therapeutic milk that managed to stabilize him thanks to the hit of vitamins that this food gives. Since that day, he has also been on a high-cost statogenic diet.

The problem is the price of the milk, he consumes 180 ml every day. Each carton costs $10,000, and he consumes 67 cartons a month.

This expense is unaffordable for his mother, who, in addition to Vicente, has a younger son. She is a single mother and lives off the antiques she sells, but now, with the pandemic, sales have dropped considerably.

We would like to thank everyone who contributed to Vicente's cause!

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