Veronica is back in business with her hairdressing salon






Veronica has dedicated her whole life to hairdressing.

With a lot of effort she managed to start her own hairdressing salon 5 years ago. It is with this business that she is able to support her family.

Unfortunately, the social upheaval began and everything changed. Sales dropped considerably, and her shop was ransacked by demonstrators. That day a mob entered her shop, stealing everything in its path, taking all her work tools (such as scissors, hair straighteners, hairdryers, podiatry items, etc.), as well as the shop's furniture.

After this situation, she could not continue working, in addition to the fact that the administration of the premises continued to charge her, so she had to file a lawsuit to stop paying the rent.

This has been very complex for the family, since all the family projects have changed. It is important to consider that her husband lost his job before Christmas. At the moment the hairdressing business is the family's only income.

Today, thanks to the support of all those who donated, we were able to give her what she needed to rebuild her hairdressing salon.

Thanks to everyone who committed to this cause!

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