We met our first goal of the secure commerce kit by supporting 20 small businesses






Today, small businesses have been hard hit during this pandemic. Months with their businesses closed, with practically no income, only the desire to start again.

Currently, the health authorities are requesting certain safety measures to reopen their businesses. It is at this point where the task is arduous for these small traders, they are months without receiving income which makes implementing all these measures very difficult for them and they really need to do it to start again.

This is why in a first stage we delivered 20 safe commerce kits to 20 entrepreneurs in districts such as La Pintana, Santiago Centro and Las Condes.

Now we are going for more, we need to continue supporting small businesses with this essential kit.

Thanks to everyone who was part of this cause.

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    -Desafío Levantemos Chile
    -Banco de Chile
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