Antonia is back in business with her food kiosk






Antonia has a small fast food kiosk where she sells completos, churrascos and other things. With a lot of effort and years of work she managed to set up the kiosk. She works with two people that she has as support. It is located in the commune of Pudahuel.

It is with this store that he is able to support his family economically.

Unfortunately, at the beginning of the social outbreak, sales dropped significantly. It was located in the middle of riots and demonstrations. Then during the month of December her kiosk was burned to the ground. She lost all her machinery that she had been able to buy with so much effort and work.

Her hands were tied knowing that she could not continue with her kiosk without the machinery she needed. But she did not sit idle, she decided to start selling humitas in order to generate income.

Today, thanks to the support of all the donors, we were able to give her what she needed to start her kiosk again.

Thanks to everyone who committed to this cause!

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