Baithiare has activated its kiosk






Baithiare is from Iquique, Tarapacá region. She has a 2-year-old daughter. She works in a kiosk, a small family business with more than 50 years of history. Today she is the one who works and lives thanks to this business.

Unfortunately, the pandemic arrived and everything changed. Months with the kiosk closed, empty streets and no potential customers meant that Baithiare had no income to survive. In May, his kiosk was vandalized, everything was vandalized and all the merchandise Baithiare had left in storage to be able to reopen after the quarantines was taken. He could not believe it, he had just managed to buy merchandise and saw how everything disappeared without being able to do anything.

Today, thanks to many generous people, we were able to buy the stolen merchandise and even more and thus make his dream come true, to rebuild this family business with such a long trajectory.

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